Scott Meyer, CEO and founder of, said AI in the workplace is not a lazy shortcut for businesses, but an effective tool for boosting efficiency and gathering valuable data. He delivered this message in his keynote address at Golden West’s TECHLeadership Conference early in October.

“There are secret robots among us, including in this room,” said Scott. “But here’s a look at what the data shows. About half of Americans have used AI in the last week, and you can see its biggest impact in areas like computer management, finance, and other industries.”

Assistants at our fingertips

By describing AI tools as “digital protégés,” Scott explained how AI can handle dull tasks, freeing up time and energy for productive brainstorming or innovation. One example he mentioned used AI to locate shared documents across a company. Rather than spending an hour searching for the right folder, people can use AI to store and retrieve data from PDFs in seconds, simply by describing what they need. 

Scott shared examples of AI tools that transcribe recordings, summarize them, and store them for future reference. Instead of having to plan around each person’s schedule, the integration of AI tools allows people to work asynchronously, without missing any internal communications. 

Around the clock help

Even while people are off the clock, AI tools can act as digital employees to assist customers. “AI is helpful for questions customers have about your products and services,” said Scott. “That might be when you’re not open, or it might be all the time, but we found about 70 to 80% of questions people ask can be answered immediately with AI.” 

As businesses naturally evolve over time, the uses of AI will change continuously. Scott called this “raising the floor” of productivity and emphasized it will lead to more sophisticated AI models that will complete more work automatically for employees such as summarizing emails, updating calendars, and more. 

Creating a better future

While AI isn’t going to replace the job that you have, Scott explained that it will replace the tasks no one likes to do, while also creating a more comfortable environment. In a world that fears the implementation of AI, the focus on avoiding it altogether only takes away more time from learning how to grow as a team with coworkers. 

“As adults, we’ve been in classrooms or in workplaces where we don’t want to say anything because we’re not sure if we’ll sound stupid or if somebody already asked that question – we don’t have to worry about that anymore,” said Scott. “Now we can just ask, learn, build, and take information back into the workplace to use it efficiently and to do what matters.”  

Gain access to a recorded video of Scott’s session and others from the 2024 TECHLeadership Conference here.

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